It all started when we found out we were pregnant, Feb. 13th, 2011. At our first ultrasound a few weeks later, we were shocked to find out it was twins! Funny story...We have a few sets of twins in my family, so my mom and I had joked about me possibly being pregnant with twins, since I'd started feeling so sick. The last thing she said to me before the ultrasound was "Don't worry, it's NOT twins!" Alex and I got our ultrasound, and the tech looked at the screen and said, "Well, you'll be happy to know there's only one in there." And I laughed and started telling her how we'd been joking it was twins. That's when Alex said the screen totally changed (I couldn't see it, as I was laying down) and she suddenly said, "Oops, no, there are two in there..." We both laughed, but I hope she felt kinda stupid after that! Everyone treated us pretty gently the rest of the appointment, knowing we were both in shock!

I told my mom I was pregnant at Steak and Shake. (How else could I explain why I couldn't eat the food I'd just ordered? :)
Telling my dad he's becoming "Grandpa"!
Evan and Lauren excited to become Aunt and Uncle
Everyone pointing at my belly...
The pregnancy went well, although it wasn't exactly easy. I was sick pretty much every day the first trimester and into the second. I was on Zofran, which was a lifesaver for the nausea and getting me through the day at school. I couldn't eat or drink in the mornings without throwing up. I drank a lot of blue gatorade/powerade and ate a lot of crackers! Lots of smells bothered me, so Alex stopped cooking for a while. Food didn't usually sound good, and I gave up on soda and coffee. At our 20 week ultrasound, we found out that we were having identical boys! Neither of us were surprised, the tech had asked what we thought they were and we both said we felt they were boys. I made it through the end of the school year, and started to feel a little better at the beginning of the summer. We even got one last trip as a couple, to Perdido Key FL.
First significant belly picture