We had a big, exciting family weekend! Aunt Erica got married! The boys were the ring bearers, Alex was an usher, and I played the processional and a piece with my niece Emma on violin. So it was quite the family affair! I got to go to a bridal luncheon on Friday, which was nice and it was great to see all of Alex's sisters. The first picture is from the rehearsal. We brought the boys to familiarize them with the space and let them "practice" going down the aisle. Then the boys went home and to bed (thanks Ashley for babysitting!!) and we got to have a delicious Italian meal at the rehearsal dinner.

It was a really beautiful wedding and so great to see all of Alex's family. Erica did an amazing job with all of the details. Can't wait to see a few more pictures from the professional! Congrats, Erica and Nathan! I wish we could have seen and visited with everyone more...it will be easier now that Erica is living in Indy again! Definitely looking forward to the family vacation this summer for more time to catch up and more chances to get some cute cousin pictures! :)