My friend Ashley got a summer pass to use the pool at the Jewish Community Center near us. I'd never been, but it's a fun waterpark with lots of kid areas, a lazy river, and a small baby pool with shaded spots. It really ended up being too cold, but the boys did ok! We'll wait next time until it's been warm for a few days to make sure the water is warmer. Every time the sun went behind a cloud, we were freezing! It was a lot of work to get them there, with packing all their hats and towels and applying all that sunscreen....but hopefully they'll enjoy going to the pool as the summer goes on. I got a couple of good pictures; Henry was smiling! I think Holden liked it better than Henry for the most part.

The worst part was that they'd skipped their morning nap, so I knew they'd probably be cranky before long. So after about an hour we had to call it quits. Later that day, Holden felt really warm, and we took his temperature and found he had a fever of 102. :( So that was his first "real" fever (he may have had other lower ones but we'd never felt like we needed to get out the thermometer and check), and he was pretty lethargic. It was a bummer for me too, since then I couldn't make it to any other playdates because of his fever. He's still fighting it off, and he'll probably pass it to Henry...I'm sure I'll be writing a post about how to survive sick twins very soon!
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