
Monday, January 6, 2014

365 Project Week 1

One of my goals this year is to improve my photography. I've had a few friends try this project in the past, and decided it'd be a good year for me to try it, as well! Basically, I take a photo every day this year. I've read that putting parameters on the project make it tougher on yourself, so I'm keeping it open! It doesn't have to be a picture of the boys, though most will, and even a phone picture can count. I'm excited to challenge myself to pick up the camera every day. I know I will enjoy looking back and seeing details from our year that I would have forgotten. I want to work on shooting more on manual mode, but I'm definitely not worried about that at this point, hopefully it's something I can improve on as I go! I hope to force myself to get creative too, since I won't want to have too many of the same ideas. I'm going to create a list of things I know I want to shoot so I have something to help me when I get bored or stumped. Please feel free to leave a comment or any encouragement/advice! I'm hoping to find some other bloggers trying this and learn from them as well.

I decided a one-weekly post would be easier than blogging every day, so here is the first "week" (even though it was just four days long!

Watching Daddy leave for his run
Snoozing after play date fun
Play-Doh fun


  1. Hi Leah! So excited to be following you on this 365 journey...I'm looking forward to what we learn together! ;)

    1. Me too, I'm so excited to create a little photography "community". Thanks for visiting! :)

  2. Love your idea of making a list of things to photograph. Week days seem to be the most difficult since they are rather mundane and I am at work most of the day. However, this week I decided to bring my camera to work with me so I could try and photograph at lunch or on my way home. Looking forward to seeing your photos! :)

    1. That's a great idea. I've thought about that, I'm a music teacher, so I know I'd get some cute ones! It's just a matter of hauling the camera around, part of what the 365 makes us do! :) Thanks for visiting, I'm enjoying meeting new photographers!

  3. I love the dinosaur image!! Your sons expression is so classic.. You really captured a true moment.. I have 4 boys and love how they inspire me. So.excited to follow allow with your adventure :)

    1. Thanks, I couldn't believe my good luck on that one for sure. :) 4 boys sounds intense! Can't wait to see your photos of them this year. I always have so much trouble getting both boys in focus or getting them to hold still, etc. Any tips on that? Lol.

  4. #2 and 3 are my faves!! I have tried to do a once-a-day photo commitment but usually can't keep up with it for one reason or another. I LOVE the idea of making a list of photo ideas to take. I think I'll make one for myself with odd or quirky photos to take. :)

    1. Haha, yeah I'm afraid if I don't try to mix it up soon my photos are going to all look the same! And I need you to come teach me how to do some editing, I feel like mine don't look as good as anyone else's, and it's probably cause I don't do any editing yet. :) Maybe at the Valentine's party you can give me some tips. :)
