We also took a family trip to the Children's Museum! I forced Alex to go with us...I think it was his first time there since we've had the membership! I really love the Jolly Days exhibit, but it was definitely a crowded, crazy day to go. (I think we went New Year's Eve in the morning.) But they love the kitchen and baking area, and Henry loves to brush the reindeer, so it was worth it! They even got to play in the ice castle area and go down the slide. (It was sooo many kids I don't know how kids don't get hurt on the slide! Henry and Holden are kinda slow about it, and the older kids would just push around them and go down!)
My mom gave Lanore some toys she had at her house, so Henry and Holden enjoyed taking all of those away from her...sigh. It's hard for them to be as active as they want inside our house! But they love to run around the table and couch, and it's a bonus if someone or Lanore chases after them. We're also building our dinosaur collection, so I loved these shots of Henry playing with some in his room. So wish us luck that we don't go too crazy indoors this winter! It's only January and we have a long way to go! We need to get back to the Children's Museum soon! (Side note: I remember going to the zoo at the end of January last year because it was so mild out...I can hope that happens again!!!)
Teamwork! It lasted for about 5 seconds... |
"I think you got it wrong, Lanore. These are really for us." |
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