After breakfast, we'd get the boys ready for the beach, which was always an ordeal. They don't like to get dressed ever, but for some reason they really hated their swimsuits and shirts. I think it might be because it's made of a different material and felt weird against their skin. Then we'd have to get them sunscreened, and that was another process. We were still using the baby sunblock we had from last year, so it's thick and white and gets all over everything they touch. Most days I usually wanted to give up, since they were crying and whining and running away, but Alex's sister Lesley made me feel better when she said, "If someone's not crying by the time you get to the beach, you're doing something wrong." :) And truly, we'd be exhausted when we got to the beach, after schlepping towels, chairs, beach toys, snacks, water, extra sunscreen, and the actual children. But the boys would have a great time once we were there!
Monday was Josh's second birthday party. Stephanie did an awesome job with decorations and favors and a yummy lunch. I was so impressed that she could put all of that together while on vacation! It was a beach theme, and Henry and Holden definitely enjoyed their cute cupcakes and beachy favors. I think Josh enjoyed his beach ball cake and presents, so it was a fun afternoon.
It was nice to be right on the beach and not feel the need to go anywhere. Obviously it would be too hard to go out with all of us at once, but it was great that we really had everything we needed right at hand. The traffic was so insane that you could barely turn out of our complex, so that definitely was a deterrent as well. (I did manage to sneak out to the outlet mall one nap time though!) We only went out to eat a few times. We went to the Crab Trap, a place we've been before, but that usually has a long wait. It was right on the beach and did have a playground area, so that helped! And at least we got some cute cousin and family pictures on the beach that evening.