
Monday, July 22, 2013

Firestation Fun

The fire station right down the street from us had been completely rebuilt, and we had been watching it all summer. So when I saw they were having a community open house, I knew I wanted to take the boys! We drove over and parked at a church next to the station. They had a shuttle bus taking people over to the station, which Henry was fascinated by! Once at the station, we got some snacks, including cookies and a snow cone made for us by a fireman! We got to listen to the mayor and some politicians talking about how great it was for the community, but Henry and Holden were really pretty wrapped up in the cookie to take in the speeches.

After that, we made sure to check out and climb in all the trucks! It's so cute how small they look sitting up in the big engines! We also wandered through the station house, since I'd never been inside one before. We saw their tv room, workout room, and their beds upstairs. Then it was time to ride the shuttle bus back to our car. (Which was again a huge hit with the boys.) I'm so glad we could make it, since this fire station is a part of our community, and it was definitely fun to take some pictures and let the boys explore. 

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