Trick or Treating was moved a day late, due to rain on Halloween. Henry and Holden didn't mind, they were just excited to get out there! We had practiced trick or treating several times, including just in our house, to get the boys used to saying "trick or treat" and then putting the candy in the bucket. We invited our friend, Hazel, to come with us, and she wore an amazing pirate costume! We took the wagon with us, and the kids took turns riding and walking. We only went around our street, and lots of people didn't seem to be home or handing out candy (maybe because of the day change?) But they managed to have plenty of fun going to those houses and were excited to check out their loot when they got home! Holden insisted on pulling his brother for a while in the wagon on the way back home. They ended up with plenty of candy, most of which they didn't really need to eat. They love Smarties already and tried Skittles for the first time. I tried to avoid most of the chocolate for them just to prevent mess, and anything like taffy or gobstoppers that would be too tough to eat. (Alex and I enjoyed all of those this the future, it might be a little harder to do! :)
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