
Saturday, January 11, 2014

365 Project Week 2

My second week of pictures every day, and I'm already struggling! It's harder than I thought already, which means I have a long way to go! It seems like I'll take several pictures I love one day and not be able to choose my favorite, and then other days I'll look back and say, "That's all I took? None of those are good!" But so far I haven't missed a day. I know I could do a lot more with playing with my camera settings and getting creative, but that's what the whole year is for!! :)
I'm also struggling with my confidence. I really am a beginner, and especially don't know anything about Photoshop or editing my photos. I linked my blog up to a 365 project and checked out all the ones around mine. And it seems like EVERY other person's blog and pictures are better than mine!! So I'm trying to just not worry and compare at this point, and hopefully just be really proud of the progress I make throughout the year. It definitely is fun to see other people's projects though, and I hope to have a nice little blog "community" of friends at the end of the year, too!  
This week we had a TON of snow and freezing cold. So Sunday is a dual picture, since how could I resist having one of each boy out helping daddy shovel?? Too cute. I also tried to get a picture of snow on the branches outside, and I experimented with my first silhouette of a pregnant friend. And the last one isn't great quality, but SO cute that Holden came up behind Henry and was giving him a hug! Moms love that stuff. :) Wish me luck next week and thanks for reading!


  1. Your doing great work! I struggle with the same things a lot!! It's almost impossible not too. Everyone had their own journey :) I.really enjoy your work your family is beautiful and your capturing your life beautifully!! keep pushing forward and trying new things.. Im really bad at editing. I have lightroom 4 & all I do is sharpen, pump up the contrast/vibrance & add a slight vignette.. I watched some really helpful tutorials on you tube.. Again love your stuff :)

    1. Thanks so much, Tess. It's so sweet of you to comment and encourage. :) I have photoshop elements but I'm always so intimidated by it. I need to open it up and play around, but it's hard to find time to edit unless the boys are asleep. I'm sure you understand!! Ha. I will try to check out some videos, I think that would help me a lot.
