We took a trip to the Children's Museum to see Santa and play in the Jolly Days exhibit. I was pretty sure the boys were not going to be big fans of Santa, but I still had to get that picture! (Mean mom, I know.) It looks so identical to last year! Henry is mostly indifferent, and Holden is crying. Once we got the Santa part over, they enjoyed Jolly Days! It has a whole kitchen play area, a reindeer barn, and a winter play area, including fishing, ice skating (in your socks) and an ice castle. There are so many fun things to do, I wish they left it up longer! The boys enjoyed the play kitchen area (since they can't play with the oven in our house!) And Henry loved brushing and feeding the reindeer, which was so cute!

We were also lucky enough to go see the Jingle Rails exhibit at the Eitljorg. A play date friend had tickets, so we were in! I can't remember ever going to this museum before, but all of the little kids loved the trains. I was nervous at first since they couldn't really touch anything, but they were able to run from train to train to look. After some time with the trains, we headed downstairs to a huge play area I didn't even know existed! It had a store, a stagecoach, a house and fire area, a totem pole kids could build on, and some horses to ride. It was really fun and interactive, so hopefully we'll get to go back again sometime. We had all packed lunches, so we went upstairs to eat in the café area. The kids shared a couple of tables and it was so cute to watch their lunch date! They did pretty well overall; they ate and then played around by the windows. No major issues considering we were eating with 10 kids and 7 mommies! So it was a fun experience for sure and I hope we get a chance to go back next year. (I think some of the boys will be even bigger train enthusiasts by then!)

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