We wandered over to the swings and tried those out for a few minutes. (Henry wouldn't keep his hat on, of course.) Alex always thinks they're too small for things, so he didn't let me keep them in the swings very long. Then we tried out the splash park. It doesn't really seem great for babies. It's a very rocky design, and the bigger kids always want to run around and I can't really expect them to watch out for my little ones. I don't know how my friends manage to go to splash parks all the time! :) But we sat in the water for a few minutes, and they did ok. I think they'll have more fun with it next summer, when they can toddle around a little more! We walked them in the stroller a bit and decided to call it a day. I thought they did really well, and I had a lot of fun spending an afternoon in the park with our little family! I did end up seeing a few girls I knew from high school and some of their kids, so I chatted with them for a few minutes. I found one lives really close to me, so hopefully we'll get together for a playdate sometime soon!
Mom!! I'm too busy eating for a picture! |
A few weeks ago, I had my 10 year (!) high school reunion. Crazy! At first the plans were to go someplace fancy and it was going to cost $45 a person. So I wasn't sure if we'd go or not. I knew there was a pretty good chance that my two best friends wouldn't be able to make it. (One is in pharmacy school and one is in Michigan doing her ER residency, so she doesn't exactly get to pick her hours!) But I also live like 15 minutes from my high school, so I knew it'd be pretty convenient for us to get there, no hotel or anything involved. So due to the low registration, they changed the event to being at a local restaurant/brew pub and you just paid your own tab. So we were in! :)
They also had planned a family event in the afternoon at a park close to our house that has a little splash park area. So I was pretty excited to take the boys and see what they thought. We've never been to a park (how sad does that sound) but it was an awesome day. We packed a picnic (ok I had a turkey sandwich and Alex had some trail mix, I'm sure we put much more thought into what the boys were eating!) and put them in their swim suits. When we got to the park, I couldn't really recognize anyone, or didn't see any signs or area that might be designated for us. So we just set up in a shady spot and ate our lunch. It was a BEAUTIFUL day and finally not so hot! The boys were chowing down on cantaloupe and gram crackers so they were pretty happy. We just had to make sure they didn't try to eat mulch or leaves...which they try to do every time we're not looking.
Hey, Holden! This is kinda fun! |
My parents came over to babysit so we could go to the evening event. We were some of the first ones there, since I wanted to eat! Apparently everyone else wanted to be fashionably late or just wanted to drink, lol. But I got to talk to a few friends and check out the crowd a little. I think the space was really too small for the number we had (we graduated with close to 900 people.) But I think so few people RSVPed and just showed up instead that we were crammed in there. So we didn't stay as long as I would have liked because Alex started to feel sick. But I'm glad I went, and it was fun to see some friends and catch up a little. It's funny how many of us are really still living in the area. So maybe it'll lead to me hanging out with a few people I haven't seen in a while! And hopefully the next event will be a bit better planned. This one was only on Facebook, so lots of people ended up commenting after the event that they hadn't known anything about it. Maybe they'll try a little harder to mail something or really reach out to more people. In the end though, it was fun, and I'm lucky it's so close to home and that I have such great babysitters! :)
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